I've been analyzing my closet, for a "closet
cleanse" and trying to figure out why I continually wear some clothes and
hardly ever or never wear other clothes in my closet. Was it because the
clothes were no longer in style? Was it
because they didn't fit me? Were they
not the right color for me? Well, after some contemplation, I figured it out, I
preferred natural fabrics over synthetic fabrics. For example, I had some really pretty dresses
in my closet some were a polyester blend others were rayon or acrylic. I also had some nylon dresses. And a "little black dress," which
by the way was made famous by Coco Chanel in 1926, but --- in acetate! I didn't wear these dresses often. When I wore them, they didn't breathe. They were quick to take on and keep odor. And, perhaps most important, they just didn't
feel good on my skin. They didn't feel
luxurious, they didn't feel comfortable.
They felt cheap. So, by
happenstance, I just didn't wear them. I
gravitated towards wool, jersey cotton, silk, linen. And, also some fabric blends with man-made
fabric, but the primary fabric was natural, typically 90%.
Currently, I am
transitioning my wardrobe to consist of primarily natural fabric and some
blends. This will help me also wear the
clothes that I buy since it is obvious that I prefer natural fabrics. While, natural fabrics tend to cost a bit
more than man-made fabrics, in the long run, I will actually be saving money
because I will wear the clothes I buy not leave them sitting in my closet. If I buy a dress for $200 and wear it twice a
month during a year, which is 24 times, that dress costs less than a dress that
I buy for $50 and wear three times or never.
Here is a great article about natural and man made fabric:
Waibi Sabi, http://wabisabiecofashionconcept.com/, is creating elegant and luxurious women's ecofriendly dresses. The company, based in New Jersey, uses 100% certified organic fabric. Wabi Sabi's womenswear is distinguished by sophisticated dresses that never go out of style. They are classic and can be worn everyday or for work. There are many types of dresses, ranging from the classic sheath dress above to the stylish wrap dress. What I found interesting were their Kyoto Reversible Jersey Dress which indeed is a beautiful reversible dress, pictured below. The dress has a gorgeous burgundy color which is popped with a crimson red. The lines on the dress are flow perfectly. The dress, itself is a form of art. Below are a couple of fabulous dresses from this designer.
Copenhagen Sheath Dress - $335
Kyoto Reversible Kimono Style Dress - $325
P.S. On the "little black dress"
By the way, if you were interested in the history of the "little black dress." In 1926, Chanel published a black dress in Vogue, the magazine dubbed it "Chanel's Ford" because like Ford's trailblazing Model-T, it was appealing and could be had by people of all economic classes. Vogue reported that Chanel's dress was "a sort of uniform for all women of taste." Also, typically, black had only been worn for mourning. This dress was the start of black dresses being worn for fashion. It was considered elegant. Women loved it during the depression and afterwards due to its simplicity. The dress in Vogue was a long sleeve wool black dress which later evolved into a dress with different sleeve variations.
Chanel's Iconic Little Black Dress